URL Encoder Decoder

It is really very easy to use the tool URL Encoder Decoder. It helps you to quickly encode or decode URL from text. Upload file or write text to encode and decode URL.

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What is online URL Encoder Decoder tool?

An online URL Encoder Decoder tool is a web-based tool that allows users to encode or decode a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) string. A URL is a web address that identifies a web page or resource on the internet, and it consists of various characters and symbols that may need to be encoded or decoded to ensure compatibility with different devices and systems.

The URL Encoder Decoder tool usually provides users with two text areas: one for input and the other for output. Users can enter a URL string in the input text area, and then the tool either encodes or decodes the string based on the user's selection. URL encoding replaces certain characters with a percentage sign followed by two hexadecimal digits, while URL decoding decodes the encoded characters back to their original form.

This tool can be useful for web developers, designers, and anyone who works with URLs and needs to encode or decode them for different purposes, such as creating links, sending emails, or sharing content on social media. It ensures that the URL string is compatible with various devices and systems and can be accessed by users without any issues.

How to use our online URL Encoder Decoder tool?

Step 1. Open your web browser and open checkseotools.com and select online URL Encoder Decoder tool.
Step 2. On browser, Enter text and select Encode or Decode.
Step 3. You can also upload file to encode and decode.
Step 4. Click on Generate button.