JPG to PNG Converter

It is really very easy to use the tool JPG to PNG Converter. It helps you to convert JPG image to PNG image. To use the tool, select or drag and drop the JPG image file below and click on ‘Convert to PNG’ button.

Max file size : 1 MB
Upto 100MB Go Pro

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What is online JPG to PNG Converter tool?

An online JPG to PNG converter tool is a web-based application that allows you to convert JPEG files to PNG format easily and quickly. JPG and PNG are two of the most commonly used image file formats, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The JPG format is known for its smaller file size, making it an ideal format for sharing and storing images online. However, the JPG format compresses the image, which can result in a loss of quality. On the other hand, the PNG format is known for its high-quality images and support for transparent backgrounds, but the file sizes are typically larger.

An online JPG to PNG converter tool allows you to convert your JPG images to PNG format, while preserving the image quality and transparency.


How to use our online PNG To JPG Converter tool?

Step 1. Open your web browser and open and select online JPG to PNG Converter tool.
Step 2. On browser, select or drag and drop your JPG image.
Step 3. Click on Convert to PNG button.